Xtract has revolutionized the claims experience

Simplified claims process
Faster time to claim settlement
Beautiful customer experience


End-to-end reporting process captures incident details, making structured eFNOL data acquisition quick and easy.
Predictive damage assessment to triage repair/total loss.
Predictive party liability to assess who is at fault.
Weather conditions: real time live and historic weather based on location and date of loss.
Liability investigation: collect and compare statements from policy holder, third parties and witnesses.

Faster Claim Processing

By auto-populating a claim at FNOL with telematics data and other sources, claims handlers can quickly assess and determine liability.

Improved Bottom Line

Faster claims and more accurate reconstruction provide a streamlined claims process, reducing operations and indemnity spend.

Customer Satisfaction

By introducing un-biased data, claims handlers can assess a claim accurately and efficiently, bringing more transparency to the claims process for both the handler and the policy holder.

Unique User

Our user experience is a key factor in employee satisfaction as millennials and GenZ employees enter the workforce in great numbers with expectations of modern user experiences.


Ready to get started?

Speak to one of our team to find out how we can transform your business.

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